Tito's Block to Block at Owenwood

  • Thu, October 20, 2022
  • 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • 1451 John West Rd, Dallas, TX 75228


Registration is closed

October 20th, 2022

8:00a - 12pm

Owenwood Farm & NeighborSpace
1451 John West Rd, Dallas 75228

Make fresh food accessible and inspire healthy eating: That’s the idea behind Love, Tito’s Block to Block program, which aims to build community gardens and farms in neighborhoods across the US, one block at a time. In Dallas, that means supporting GROW North Texas at Owenwood Farm, which works as a source of fresh food to Far East Dallas and beyond.

On October 20th, the Tito's team will work alongside GROW North Texas to provide some major upgrades to the property. Tasks will include landscaping for the new pergola in the orchard, final touches to the new office shed, and beautification of the farm entrance. 

Here's the schedule:

  • 8:00-8:30 - Gather, check-in, coffee, and breakfast tacos
  • 8:30-9:00am – Introduction to the Farm and projects for the day.
  • 9:00am – Time to break into groups and get started!
  • 12:00 – Optional lunch available on site

What will be provided:

  • Love, Tito’s shirts (choose size during registration)
  • Love, Tito’s gardening gloves
  • Tools for projects
  • Water/Gatorade
  • SPF and bug spray

Please wear closed-toe shoes and clothes you can get dirty. Also, be prepared for whatever the weather brings. 

Register to let is know you're coming!
And so we have food and a t-shirt for you!

GROW North Texas is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that connects North Texans to food, farms, and community to create a sustainable, secure regional food system that enriches the land, encourages economic opportunity through food and agriculture, and provides equitable access to healthy, nutritious food for all residents.

This organization is an equal opportunity provider.
View entire USDA Non-Discrimination Statement here.

GROW North Texas is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 7103, Dallas, TX 75209-0103

Copyright GROW North Texas 2021

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